Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pointless Political Parlor Games

Is it just me, or is this sort of article basically a complete waste of time? I mean, I'm not trying to pick on this Beinart guy in particular, and in fact he makes a couple salient points (particularly the one about Obama's wisdom in retaining Gates at Defense), but isn't his overall point, well, pointless? Has Petraeus even given any indication that he's interested in running for president? Even if he had (which, in fact, he hasn't), isn't it fairly asinine to discuss the possibly non-existent possibility in 2009, when any number of relevant events could, nay will, happen between now and the next election? Surely, the answers to the above questions are yes, yes, no, and yes, fer crissakes, yes.

Talk about premature speculation. This is how you get people actually wondering out loud if pols like Gray Davis and Charlie Crist -- bland big-state governors who both make Mr. Rogers look scintillating by comparison -- might one day be president. (Seriously, I actually heard talk about Davis pre-recall). At least Petraeus has a background that might make him a plausible candidate on the off chance that the stars align just right a couple years from now and he just maybe decides to run.

Meanwhile, anyone taking bets on Billy Bush in 2032?

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