Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's in a Name?, Part Two

Sometimes names can mean a lot, though, if only for how they relate to other less orthographical issues. For example, the news that Iran's odious little anti-Semite of a president might actually be Jewish, or at least was apparently born to Jewish parents who remained thus until converting to Islam when Mahmoud was still a pisher.

In light of his ravings about the Holocaust, his theft of the recent election, and his part in the brutal crackdown against his opponents, I can't help but hope that this news further undermines his position, if only with his fellow thugs. Of course, racism is always condemnable, but seeing as how Mahmoud Ah-my-real-name-is-actually-Sabourjian-ijad has used it so cynically and ceaselessly to further his own ends, it would only be poetic justice if it turns against him now. My comfort with this is aided by the fact that the reformers, being by all accounts generally better educated and more cosmopolitan than the conservatives, have generally condemned Ahmadinejad's idiotic rhetoric about the Holocaust, such that most of any racism directed at him will likely come from his own camp.

But will this revelation actually make a difference? Hard to say, but given the trouble he's had of late, one's tempted to think that anything that could be used against him will only push him closer to that metaphorical, historical dustbin. And sure, he's only the junior partner in the Khamenei-Ahmadi thugocracy, but if he goes down, it can only hurt his even more dangerous patron.

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